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Chat with Ani for Solar

Revitalize your customer engagement and strengthen your bottom line

Neto Collective Intelligence powers our Engagement as a Service platform to deliver customer delight AND dinero.

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Our virtual sales assistant is so engaging we'd say she was 'sunny' if it wasn't such a bad pun.
Behind every great salesperson is somebody who actually knows the answers and pays attention to the details. Ani won’t drop the ball, but she may steal your thunder.

Scan the QR code to experience Ani from the perspective of a home owner who might be interested in a solar installation, but isn’t quite sure.
Chat with Ani for Solar on your phone
Highly technical, highly engaging, and highly transparent. Ani is what has been missing in ERC activation.
Ani delivers concise, compelling, and comprehensive information at unlimited scale. Let her help you seize marketshare before it’s too late.
Scan the QR code to experience Ani from the perspective of a business owner who has yet to receive (or even file for) the Employee Retention Credit.
Chat with Ani for ERC on your phone
High touch + high value = high retention.
Ani is always available, always exceptional, and always capable of delivering stellar experiences when a light touch is needed most.
Scan the QR code to experience Ani from the perspective of a consumer investigating life insurance.
Chat with Ani for Insurance on your phone
Give them more of what they want.
Encode your personality into a Neto CI to offer 1:1 experiences at 1:10,000 Scale.
Scan the QR code to experience Ani from the perspective of a sales professional seeking self improvement resources or coaching to improve his or her performance.
Chat with Ani for Coaching on your phone
Vigilant, informed, and ready to listen at a moment’s notice.
Ani is the perfect solution to creating impact at any kind of scale. She is sweet but stern, kind yet commanding, and unable to get mad, tired, bored, or frustrated. Ani provides an ocean of patience for your patients.
Scan the QR code to experience Ani from the perspective of somebody who struggles with a substance use disorder.
Chat with Ani for Addiction Recovery on your phone
Neto has partnered with these
industry leaders
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Neto is Engagement as a Service (EaaS) powered by the next evolution of AI - Collective Intelligence

Customers go where they find an ear, and stay where they have a voice. 
Customers are people too! Emotionally connected consumers are twice as valuable as those who are simply satisfied with a product or service - yet over 70% (PWC) of US consumers feel the enterprise has lost the human touch. The ability to listen and respond in context, at scale, is the next great frontier in customer experience design.  
Exceptional customer experiences don’t happen by accident. 
Chances are you didn’t rush your product to market, so why are you rushing the market to your product? Research shows that intentional and proactive engagement at every stage of the customer journey doubles the lifetime value of a customer. 
1:1 Value at 1:many economics 
The time and resources required to deliver meaningful engagement to every customer can be staggering - until now. Neto leverages Collective Intelligence to analyze, optimize, recreate, and deliver a perfect experience every time. 

Leveraging Collective Intelligence to deliver customer delight

Deploy customer engagement at scale today.

Our Engagement Engine makes analog operations look like a hamster wheel.
Lowering CAC, maximizing LCV, and keeping things fun and interesting for your customers, clients, employees and prospects - all in a day’s work at Neto.
Skyrocket your sales
With Neto you can run completely automated Web, text, and voicemail-based market research campaigns, win back campaigns, aged lead nurturing campaigns, integrated social media campaigns, and cross industry referral campaigns.
Maximize customer delight (and minimize cost)
Using our CI Virtual Agent as the primary POC, you can automate routine account maintenance, front-line customer (or employee) engagement, customer education (and employee development), and customer (or employee) onboarding.
Perfect your products
We call our Sales and Customer success agent Ani by default, but you can program your Neto agent to act, think, talk, and interact just like you. For influencers, coaches, mentors, content producers, or anybody who seeks to monetize a public persona, Neto provides a very compelling value proposition.
Monetize your data
With Neto and Ani, you can run referral campaigns, market research, cross-sales promotions, community building campaigns, event promotions, and more.
Take a look under
the hood of our Engagement Engine
(we promise this is the last engine analogy)
Our Collective Intelligence works so well because its built on, and is a part of, an integrated and comprehensive platform.
Track lead status, source, dispositions, and communication history
Generate, save, and recall rich contact profile details
Secured tiered role system to ensure appropriate access to all levels of employees
Intuitive dashboard with key metrics to monitor and optimize ANi
State of the art industry specific training and knowledge transfer with optional human intervention
Advanced personality modeling
Intent-based CI prompting provides for adaptation to conversational flow, providing more ‘organic’, less forced interactions
DNC, litigators, and landline line scrubbing to ensure both deliverability and adherence
Multi source compliance check process for maximum safeguards - we run your data through 3 different compliance databases
Configure time zones with black out hours and create multiple phone numbers all from one simple tab
Intelligent, automated appointment call transfers to connect you with your live lead
Hot leads can call ANI directly to be connected to a sales representative, or a pool of reps in a call center
Enhanced call recording features
Call load balancing and nurture optimization to transfer calls to your call center within volume parameters
Enable data driven decisions with the ability to monitor and track CI performance against multiple geo, industry, and demographic parameters
Access deep insights on your sms output, engagement, appointments, conversion metrics and much more!
Harness well-developed risk models tailored for industry and privacy regulations, including but not limited to NYDFS, HIPAA, CCPA, GDPR, TCPA, and others
Index enterprise data at its source (no copies) across your system for accurate metadata and content inventories.
Tailored outreach approach, timing and nurture strategy
Reimagine the possibilities of sms communication with our fully customizable intelligent follow up
Historic log of all previous conversations with delivery time stamps
Split test, modify, and optimize for optimal results with the first AI campaign manager
Web & Social
Text campaigns integrate with social media and Web properties to provide seamless, multichannel customer experiences
©2023 Techneto Corp